BIOTIC Species Information for Sabellaria spinulosa
Researched byLizzie Tyler Data supplied byUniversity of Sheffield
Refereed byThis information is not refereed.
General Biology
Growth formTubicolous
Vermiform segmented
Feeding methodPassive suspension feeder
Active suspension feeder
Mobility/MovementPermanent attachment
Environmental positionEpifaunal
Typical food typesPhytoplankton HabitTubiculous
BioturbatorNot relevant FlexibilityNone (< 10 degrees)
FragilityIntermediate SizeSmall-medium(3-10cm)
Height2-3 cm Growth RateField unresearched
Adult dispersal potentialNone DependencyIndependent
General Biology Additional InformationCan be found in very high densities, for example when forming a reef. Typically found in lower densities as a crust or as individuals. At the Bristol Channel location studied by George & Warwick (1986), densities in excess of 4,000/m² for loosely aggregated Sabellaria spinulosa were recorded whilst the area sampled by Hiscock & Rostron (unpublished) on a level hard substratum had a single layer crust with 9,561 individual Sabellaria spinulosa in 1.4m². There has been considerable concern about decline in Sabellaria spinulosa reefs and shrimp fisheries have been implicated in the decline. However, Vorberg (2000) could find no damage caused after experiments with shrimp trawls in the Wadden Sea and suggests that declines might be more associated with changing patterns of currents perhaps associated with construction, dredging and dumping.
Biology References Hayward & Ryland, 1995b, English Nature, 1998, George & Warwick, 1985, Vorberg, 2000, Holt et al., 1998, Hayward & Ryland, 1995b, Heidi Tillin, unpub data, Julie Bremner, unpub data, Rees & Dare, 1993,
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