BIOTIC Species Information for Echinogammarus planicrurus
Researched byChris Chance Data supplied byMarineEcoSol
Refereed byThis information is not refereed.
Scientific nameEchinogammarus planicrurus Common nameAn amphipod
MCS Code Recent Synonyms

PhylumArthropoda SubphylumCrustacea
Superclass ClassEumalacostraca
Subclass OrderAmphipoda
Suborder FamilyGammaridae
GenusEchinogammarus Speciesplanicrurus

Additional Information
Taxonomy References Howson & Picton, 1997, Fish & Fish, 1996, Lincoln, 1979, Bell, 1995, Bell & Fish, 1996, Reid, 1940, Reid, 1944, Maren, 1975, Stock, 1973, Stock, 1982, Duhig & Humphries, 1955, Duhig, 1960, Kant et al., 1968,
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