BIOTIC Species Information for Tridonta spp.
Researched bySean Lindsley-Leake Data supplied byMarLIN
Refereed byThis information is not refereed
Scientific nameTridonta spp. Common nameA bivalve mollusc
MCS CodeW1930 Recent SynonymsAstarte

PhylumMollusca SubphylumConchifera
Superclass ClassPelecypoda
SubclassHeterodonta OrderVeneroida
Suborder FamilyAstartoidea
GenusTridonta Species

Additional Informationtype species Tridonta montagui accepted to ERMS(2004) as Astarte montagui
Taxonomy References ERMS, 2004,
General Biology
Growth form Feeding method
Environmental position
Typical food typesphytoplankton HabitFree living
Bioturbator FlexibilityNone (< 10 degrees)
FragilityRobust SizeSmall(1-2cm)
Heightnot relevant Growth RateNot researched
Adult dispersal potentialNot researched DependencyIndependent
General Biology Additional Information
Biology References Schander, 2001,
Distribution and Habitat
Distribution in Britain & IrelandFound in northern Britain off the coasts of Scotland and in the northern to central North Sea, off northern Ireland and off the coasts of Plymouth.
Global distributionFound from northern Russia to south-west Britain.
Biogeographic rangeBoreal to temperate. Depth range
Distribution Additional Information

Substratum preferences Physiographic preferences
Biological zone Wave exposure
Tidal stream strength/Water flow Salinity
Habitat Preferences Additional Information
Distribution References
Reproduction/Life History
Reproductive typeGonochoristic
Developmental mechanismLecithotrophic
Reproductive SeasonOct and Nov in North Atlantic. Reproductive LocationWater column
Reproductive frequencyAnnual protracted Regeneration potential No
Life spanInsufficient information Age at reproductive maturityInsufficient information
Generation timeInsufficient information Fecundity4000-5500
Egg/propagule size180 µm Fertilization typeExternal
Larval/Juvenile dispersal potentialInsufficient information Larval settlement periodInsufficient information
Duration of larval stageInsufficient information   
Reproduction Preferences Additional InformationNotes are for Astarte genus. As there is no information on Tridonta. The boreal forms spawn over a relatively short period in the spring and summer. The Arctic forms were to be found over long periods with mature gonads. They begin to spawn in winter or early spring.
Reproduction References Schander, 2001, von Oertzen, 1972,
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