Species Gallery (Elasmobranchii)
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Basking shark feeding near the surface.
Copyright: Andrew Pearson

Cetorhinus maximus feeding in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Cetorhinus maximus off Lands End, Cornwall.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Basking shark feeding with gaping mouth.
Copyright: WWF

Basking shark fin at surface.
Copyright: Mike Daines

Close up of Cetorhinus maximus dorsal fin.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Dipturus batis.
Copyright: Davy Holt

Dipturus batis.
Copyright: Davy Holt

Dorsal surface of common skate.
Copyright: Davy Holt

Dorsal surface of common skate.
Copyright: Davy Holt

An adult tope shark.
Copyright: Davy Holt

The blue shark Prionace glauca with tag.
Copyright: Nuno Queiroz

The blonde ray.
Copyright: Paul Newland

The blond ray almost completely covered in sand (spiracles are visible).
Copyright: Paul Newland

A thornback ray in shallow water.
Copyright: Mark Thomas

Raja clavata eggcase on the strandline.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

A thornback ray, caught then released.
Copyright: John Brooks

Raja microcellata in a laboratory, tail included.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Raja microcellata in a laboratory, tail not included.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Raja microcellata in a laboratory, ventral view.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

A spotted ray
Copyright: John Brooks

Raja microocellata.
Copyright: Crown copyright

Raja undulata in a laboratory.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Small-spotted catshark.
Copyright: Charles Hood

Scyliorhinus canicula hiding in a refuge.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Scyliorhinus canicula individuals at the National Marine Aquarium.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Scyliorhinus canicula juveniles reared in a laboratory.
Copyright: John Rundle

Scyliorhinus canicula juveniles.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Scyliorhinus canicula on sea bed.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

A swimming small-spotted catshark.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Oblique view of the head of Scyliorhinus canicula.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Side view of the head of Scyliorhinus canicula.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Small Scyliorhinus canicula off south Milton Sands.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Small Scyliorhinus canicula off south Milton Sands.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Washed up empty egg case of Scyliorhinus canicula
Copyright: Becky Seeley

Egg cases from the nursehound Scyliorhinus stellaris.
Copyright: Paul Newland

A resting angel shark on sandy substrate
Copyright: Paul Newland

A close up of the face of Squatina squatina.
Copyright: Paul Newland

An angel shark on the sea floor.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Torpedo (Torpedo) marmorata in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

A marbled electric ray in mid-water
Copyright: Paul Newland
Images: 41