Species Gallery (Malacostraca)
The links below will open a large version of the image in an overlay

Alpheus glaber.
Copyright: Ivor Rees

A bright red Alpheus glaber.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Atelecyclus rotundatus on the east coast of Lundy.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Captive Atelecyclus rotundatus.
Copyright: Holly Latham

The circular crab Atelecyclus rotundatus.
Copyright: Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd

Dorsal view of Athanas nitescens in shallow waters.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Hooded shrimp in a tide pool.
Copyright: David Fenwick Snr.

Bathyporeia elegans.
Copyright: Crown copyright

An individual of the Callianassa genus.
Copyright: Crown copyright

Cancer pagurus, edible crab.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Cancer pagurus and various other fauna.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Cancer pagurus at Scapa Flow, Orkneys.
Copyright: Robert Keen

Cancer pagurus in a refuge.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Cancer pagurus.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Dark brown Cancer pagurus hiding its claws.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Front view of Cancer pagurus, clutching a bivalve.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Side view of Cancer pagurus seeking refuge.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

The edible crab Cancer pagurus burrowing into sandy substratum.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Caprella mutica on a tunicate.
Copyright: Dr Elizabeth Cook

Juvenile (first instar) Caprella mutica.
Copyright: Kate Willis

Propodus of gnathopod II of an adult male Caprella mutica showing the prominent middle projection.
Copyright: Kate Willis

Two Carcinus maenas mating.
Copyright: Peter Barfield

Carcinus maenas (dark form)
Copyright: Paul Newland

Carcinus maenas reaching for the camera.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Carcinus maenas with eggs on Arenicola marina worm cast.
Copyright: Sue Daly

a common shore crab in the intertidal zone.
Copyright: Tabitha Pearman

A juvenille Carcinus maenas crab.
Copyright: MarLIN

Dorsal view of Carcinus maenas out of the water.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Dorsal view of egg-carrying Carcinus maenas.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Egg-carrying Carcinus maenas from a rockpool.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Frontal close up of the common shore crab Carcinus maenas.
Copyright: John Rafferty

Cestopagurus timidus
Copyright: Marco Faasse

Clibanarius erythropus emerging from shell.
Copyright: Marco Faasse

Corophium volutator in a muddy footprint.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Male Corystes cassivelaunus in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Corystes cassivelaunus burying itself in sand.
Copyright: Paul Newland

A laboratory specimen of Corystes cassivelaunus.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Male Corystes cassivelaunus carrying a female.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Male Corystes cassivelaunus highlighting length of cheliped.
Copyright: Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd

Crangon allmanni.
Copyright: Crown copyright

Crangon crangon on shell fragments and gravel (from above).
Copyright: John Rundle

Crangon crangon in a laboratory.
Copyright: John Rundle

Crangon crangon on shell fragments and gravel (side view).
Copyright: John Rundle

Dorsal view of Crangon crangon.
Copyright: Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd

Extreme end of the first walking leg (pereiopod) of Crangon crangon. The last segment (dactyl) hinges on the second-to-last segment (propodus).
Copyright: Ken Neal

Close up of Diastylis rathkei.
Copyright: Crown copyright

Diogenes pugilator crawling over wet sand.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Diogenes pugilator engulfed in sand.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Dromia personata.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Male Dynamene bidentata surrounded by females
Copyright: Michael Puleston

A male surrounded by five other females
Copyright: Michael Puleston

Female Dynamene bidentata
Copyright: Michael Puleston

Male Dynamene bidentata on top of a female surrounded by other females
Copyright: Michael Puleston

Male isopod surrounded by females
Copyright: Michael Puleston

Ebalia tumefacta.
Copyright: Marco Faasse

Ebalia tumefacta at Barricane, Devon
Copyright: Paula Ferris

The nut crab Ebalia tumefacta.
Copyright: Paula Lightfoot

Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus
Copyright: David Fenwick Snr.

Head and gnathopods of Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus
Copyright: David Fenwick Snr.

Uropods of Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus
Copyright: David Fenwick Snr.

Eriocheir sinensis collected 20 August 1992.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: after the metamorphosis from megalop to first crab stage the abdomen becomes tucked under the body of the crab.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: broad, U-shaped abdomen of adult female crab to protect eggs.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: carapace is quadrate [squarish].
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: frontal carapace margin between the eyes with four distinct sharp lobes.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: lateral carapace margin with four teeth (spines).
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: megalop, with extend abdomen giving lobster-like appearance (reared in the Zoology Department, NHM).
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: narrow V-shaped abdomen of adult male crab.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: setal mat (mittens) on chela (claw) of adult male crab. The function of the mittens remains a mystery.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eriocheir sinensis: zoeal stage VI (eared in the Zoology Department, NHM).
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

An advert from a local Thai newspaper.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Mitten crab purchased from a street market in Hong Kong.
Copyright: Natural History Museum (NHM)

Eurydice pulchra.
Copyright: Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd

Galathea intermedia.
Copyright: Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd

A squat lobster Galathea squamifera.
Copyright: Paul Naylor

Galathea squamifera
Copyright: Gordon Lang

Galathea squamifera in Charmouth, Cornwall.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Galathea squamifera on bedrock.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Galathea squamifera on kelp.
Copyright: Mark Breckels

A captured squat lobster.
Copyright: Tabitha Pearman

A squat lobster sheltering.
Copyright: Gordon Lang

Dark brown Galathea squamifera on a rocky shore.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

lateral view of Galathea squamifera
Copyright: Paul Newland

Yellow Galathea squamifera.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Image of a male specimen of Gonoplax rhomboides.
Copyright: Alex Fraser

Goneplax rhomboides off Tibbetts Point, Lundy.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Anterior view of Goneplax rhomboides with both claws postioned forwards.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Anterior view of Goneplax rhomboides with one claw turned backwards.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Posterior view of Goneplax rhomboides.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Green Hippolyte varians in a sandy rockpool.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Red Hippolyte varians on the shore.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Homarus gammarus, dorsal view.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

'Albino' female lobster alongside typical coloured Homarus gammarus
Copyright: Cathal McNaughton

'Albino' female lobster telson alongside that of the typical coloured Homarus gammarus
Copyright: Cathal McNaughton

Homarus gammarus at Firestone Bay, Plymouth Sound.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Homarus gammarus at the Manacles, southwest Cornwall.
Copyright: Robert Keen

Homarus gammarus from inside a crevice.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Homarus gammarus in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Juvenile common lobster released as part of a breeding program
Copyright: Paul Newland

Hyas araneus.
Copyright: Paul Naylor

Dorsal view of Hyas araneus.
Copyright: Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)

Hyas coarctatus specimen 18 mm long.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

The toad crab Hyas coarctatus.
Copyright: Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd

Idotea balthica.
Copyright: Sofie Vandendriessche

Idotea granulosa.
Copyright: Crown copyright

Idotea pelagica.
Copyright: Marco Faasse

Inachus dorsettensis in front of snakelocks anenome.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Inachus dorsettensis close up.
Copyright: Steven Campbell

Inachus dorsettensis in front of snakelocks anenome.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Inachus dorsettensis with attached sponges, Plymouth Sound.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Inachus phalangium on the west coast of Scotland.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Inachus phalangium amongst Anemonia viridis tentacles at Bovisand, Plymouth.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Inachus phalangium on a boulder.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Inachus phalangium on a rocky shore.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Inachus phalangium sheltering under an anemone.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Inachus phalangium.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Jassa falcata redrawn after Sars, 1890.
Copyright: MarLIN

Close up of tubes and the jassid amphipods in them.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Tubes and emergent Jassa falcata on a Tubularia indivisa stalk.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Tubes of jassid amphipods.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

The sea slater Lekanesphaera rugicauda.
Copyright: Paula Lightfoot

A sea slater emerging from a rock.
Copyright: Abigail Rhodes

Individual Ligia oceanica on rocks on the upper shore at night.
Copyright: Jack Sewell

Individual Ligia oceanica on rocks on the upper shore at night.
Copyright: Jack Sewell

Liocarcinus corrugatus.
Copyright: Steven Campbell

Dorsal view of male and female.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Liocarcinus depurator in pre-mating position.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Liocarcinus depurator on a green background.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Liocarcinus depurator out of water.
Copyright: Holly Latham

Liocarcinus depurator.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Liocarcinus depurator.
Copyright: Crown copyright

Comparative images of Liocarcinus species.
Copyright: Ivor Rees

Liocarcinus holsatus out of water.
Copyright: Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)

Liocarcinus holsatus.
Copyright: Crown copyright

A flying crab.
Copyright: Gordon Lang

Comparative images of Liocarcinus species.
Copyright: Ivor Rees

Liocarcinus marmoreus on a black background.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Comparative images of Liocarcinus species.
Copyright: Ivor Rees

A northern stone crab in the fucoid zone of Robin Hoods bay.
Copyright: Richard Smith

Macropodia deflexa covered in algae and sediment.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Macropodia tenuirostris.
Copyright: Steven Campbell

Maja brachydactyla at Firestone Bay in Plymouth Sound.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Maja brachydactyla aggregation around a stand of japweed.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Maja brachydactyla covered in seaweed strands.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Maja brachydactyla crawling along the seabed.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Maja brachydactyla exhibiting barnacle infestation.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Maja brachydactyla feeding.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Maja brachydactyla hiding under various seaweeds and hydroids.
Copyright: Peter Barfield

Maja brachydactyla in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Colourful carapace of Maja brachydactyla.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Dorsal view of Maja brachydactyla. Carapace and legs encrusted with barnacles.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Munida rugosa at Lundy.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Munida rugosa amongst brittlestars.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Munida rugosa at south Lundy.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Munida rugosa coming out of a crevice.
Copyright: Fiona Crouch

Munida rugosa on lost lobster pots.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Squat lobsters, Munida rugosa.
Copyright: Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)

Necora puber.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Necora puber
Copyright: Sue Daly

Necora puber in Batten Bay.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

A feeding velvet swimming crab.
Copyright: Gordon Lang

A velvet swimming crab.
Copyright: Gordon Lang

Dorsal view of Necora puber.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

The swimming crab Necora puber.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Velvet swimming or fiddler crab.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Neomysis integer.
Copyright: Marco Faasse

Female Neomysis integer in a laboratory.
Copyright: John Rundle

School of opposum shrimp.
Copyright: Paul Newland

Nephrops norvegicus.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Nephrops norvegicus in an aquarium with its claws extended.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Nephrops norvegicus, caught in lobster creel.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Nephrops norvegicus, detail of head
Copyright: Sue Scott

Nephrops norvegicus. Female, detail of tail with eggs.
Copyright: Sue Scott

A marbled rock crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus.
Copyright: Ines Cristovao

Underside of female Pachygrapsus marmoratus.
Copyright: Ines Cristovao

Pagurus bernhardus on shell gravel.
Copyright: Paul Naylor

Pagurus bernhardus in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Pagurus bernhardus.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Bird's eye view of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus crawling along.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Naked Pagurus bernhardus in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

Pre-mating coupling in December.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

The hairy hermit crab Pagurus cuanensis
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Pagurus prideaux with the cloak anemone Adamsia carciniopados.
Copyright: Paul Naylor

Pagurus prideaux on a green background.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

The hermit crab Pagurus prideaux.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Palaemon elegans crawling on the substratum.
Copyright: Jim Anderson

Close up view of the head of Palaemon elegans.
Copyright: Jim Anderson

Side view of entire individual on rock.
Copyright: Mark Thomas

Palaemon serratus
Copyright: Sue Daly

Palaemon serratus
Copyright: Gordon Lang

Palaemon serratus at Wembury.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Common prawn Palaemon serratus on a circalittoral bedrock slope at Firestone Bay, Plymouth Sound.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Large Palaemon serratus in shallow water.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Two spiny lobsters.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

A juvenile crawfish emerging from its 'den'.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Crawfish emerging from crevice.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Crawfish with recent moult at the front of the aquarium.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Freshly caught Palinurus elephas out of water.
Copyright: Holly Latham

Larval form of Palinurus elephas
Copyright: Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA)

Larval form of Palinurus elephas
Copyright: Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA)

Spiny lobster.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Spiny lobster.
Copyright: Sue Scott

The front of a crawfish hiding between rocks.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

The life cycle of the European spiny lobster from larvae to adult
Copyright: Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA)

Pandalus montagui head.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Pandalus montagui on a green background.
Copyright: Dr Hilmar Hinz

Periclimenes sagittifer amongst the tentacles of Anemonia viridis in the Channel Isles.
Copyright: Sue Daly

A male bristly crab Pilumnus hirtellus.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Pilumnus hirtellus from under a boulder.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Pilumnus hirtellus on cobbles.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

The bristly crab Pilumnus hirtellus.
Copyright: Jack Sewell

Pisidia longicornis next to barnacles.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Pisidia longicornis out of water.
Copyright: Holly Latham

Close up of Pisidia longicornis
Copyright: Jack Sewell

Six Pisidia longicornis individuals.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

A broad-clawed porcelain crab.
Copyright: Tabitha Pearman

An algal covered broad-clawed crab
Copyright: Tabitha Pearman

Lone Porcellana platycheles individual in between boulders.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Multiple Porcellana platycheles individuals on a rocky shore.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Rissoides desmaresti held in gloved hand.
Copyright: Dr Rohan Holt

Rissoides desmaresti on the sea bed.
Copyright: Dr Rohan Holt

Talitrus saltator
Copyright: Christopher McAskie

Thia scutellata.
Copyright: Marco Faasse

Xantho pilipes collected from Lee Beach, Ilfracombe.
Copyright: Devon Wildlife Trust

Xantho pilipes.
Copyright: Jack Sewell

Front end of Xantho pilipes protruding from a crevice.
Copyright: Judith Oakley
Images: 226