Species Gallery (Mammalia)
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Dead minke whale stranded at Freshwater West beach, Pembrokeshire.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Three common dolphins leaping out of the water.
Copyright: Norman Jackson

A dead common dolphin on the shore.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Common dolphins swimming in front of a sailing vessel.
Copyright: Norman Jackson

Measuring a dead Delphinus delphis individual on the shore.
Copyright: Lin Baldock

Risso's dolphin at Coverack.
Copyright: Colin Speedie

The grey seal Halichoerus grypus with pup, Skomer.
Copyright: Dan Lear

Halichoerus grypus adults and pub hauled out on rocks in Lundy.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Halichoerus grypus individuals hauled out off Skomer Island.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Inquisitive Halichoerus grypus.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

The Grey seal Halichoerus grypus .
Copyright: Judith Oakley

The grey seal Halichoerus grypus basking on haul-out.
Copyright: Dan Lear

The grey seal Halichoerus grypus basking on rock.
Copyright: Dan Lear

Two Grey seals hauled out on rocks.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

A pair of breaching Northern bottlenose whales, showing their underside and left side.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Part of the underside of a breaching northern bottlenose whale.
Copyright: Sue Scott

The head and blowhole of a northern bottlenose whale.
Copyright: Sue Scott

The heads of a pair of Northern bottlenose whales.
Copyright: Sue Scott

A white beaked dolphin breaking the surface.
Copyright: Andrew Pearson

A breaching male humpback whale.
Copyright: Dan Bayley

A baby humpback whale swimming with mother.
Copyright: Dan Bayley

School of orca.
Copyright: WWF

Orca at the surface.
Copyright: WWF

Common seal on rock.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Phoca vitulina playing with a diver's arm.
Copyright: Robert Keen

Phoca vitulina swimming towards the camera.
Copyright: Robert Keen

Phoca vitulina swimming underwater.
Copyright: Robert Keen

Phoca vitulina.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Close up of Phoca vitulina highlighting characteristic facial features.
Copyright: John Rafferty

Harbour seals on a sand bank.
Copyright: Dr Keith Hiscock

Two common seals sitting on rocks.
Copyright: Sue Scott

Phocoena phocoena, the harbour porpoise.
Copyright: WWF

Group of Phocoena phocoena.
Copyright: WWF

A breaching sperm whale.
Copyright: Andrew Pearson

Tail fluke of a sperm whale.
Copyright: Andrew Pearson

Tursiops truncatus breaching (note pinkish hue on belly).
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Tursiops truncatus highlighting shape of beak and head.
Copyright: John Rafferty

Tursiops truncatus underwater.
Copyright: Robert Keen

An adult and infant Tursiops truncatus.
Copyright: Norman Jackson

An infant Tursiops truncatus swimming ahead of an adult.
Copyright: Norman Jackson

Common bottlenose dolphin breathing at the surface.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Common bottlenose dolphin pod at the surface.
Copyright: Colin Speedie

Common bottlenose dolphin pod at the surface.
Copyright: Colin Speedie

Pair of common bottlenose dolphins.
Copyright: Judith Oakley

Pod of common bottlenose dolphins swimming at the surface.
Copyright: Judith Oakley
Images: 45