Steven's goby (Gobius gasteveni)

Distribution data supplied by the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS). To interrogate UK data visit the NBN Atlas.Map Help



Gobius gastevani is a small species reaching up to 12 cm in length. It has a moderately elongate subcylindrical body with a depressed head and an eye on either side. Like similar species it has two dorsal fins and one anal fin. The first dorsal fin has 6 flexible spines, while the second has about 14 soft rays preceded by one flexible spine. Steven's goby can be recognised by its pale grey to fawn colouration, the four brownish midlateral blotches below the second dorsal fin and by the white spots on the cheek and opercle.

Recorded distribution in Britain and Ireland

Known from the English Channel, the southern Irish Sea as well as east of the Isle of Man.

Global distribution



Steven's goby is an offshore benthic species usually found on muddy sand and coarser deposits at depths between 35-100 m.

Depth range


Identifying features

  • Up to 12 cm in length.
  • Anterior nostril with thin tentacle.
  • First dorsal fin with 6 spines; second with 14 soft rays.
  • Pale grey to fawn in colour.
  • Four brownish midlateral blotches below the second dorsal fin.
  • White spots on the cheek and opercle.

Additional information

Gobies are notably hard to identify and the position and form of facial pores and rows must be noted and reference to Whitehead et al. (1986) or similar taxonomic guides must be made.

Listed by

- none -


  1. Froese, R. & Pauly, D., 2007. Fishbase. A global information system on fishes. [On-line], 2008-02-18

  2. Howson, C.M. & Picton, B.E., 1997. The species directory of the marine fauna and flora of the British Isles and surrounding seas. Belfast: Ulster Museum. [Ulster Museum publication, no. 276.]

  3. Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.-L., Hureau, J.-C., Nielson, J. & Tortonese, E. 1986. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol. I, II & III. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).


  1. NBN (National Biodiversity Network) Atlas. Available from:

  2. OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System),  2025. Global map of species distribution using gridded data. Available from: Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Accessed: 2025-03-01


This review can be cited as:

Barnes, M.K.S. 2008. Gobius gasteveni Steven's goby. In Tyler-Walters H. and Hiscock K. Marine Life Information Network: Biology and Sensitivity Key Information Reviews, [on-line]. Plymouth: Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. [cited 01-03-2025]. Available from:

Last Updated: 02/06/2008